WWE NXT Results (3/4): A Night Of Steel Cage Matches, Undisputed Era In Action

March 4th, 2020
Winter Park, FL

WWE NXT is set to air LIVE on the USA Network at 8/7c. Send all thoughts, comments & questions to @RossWBermanIV on Twitter, or leave them in the comment section below.

Last week’s NXT is recapped to kick things off.

Steel Cage Match: Tegan Nox vs. Dakota Kai (w/ Raquel Gonzalez)

They stare each other down. Nox talks some trash. They trade elbows. Nox takes Kai to the mat. Nox pummels Kai relentlessly. Nox trips Kai. Kai blocks the Shiniest Wizard. Nox hits a diving crossbody for a nearfall.

When Nox isn’t doing moves, she’s pummeling Kai. Nox hits a snap mare. Nox gets another nearfall. Kai punishes Nox in the corner. Kai slams Nox into the corner. Nox fights back and gets a nearfall. Nox hits a Cannonball in the corner. Kai throws Nox into the cage. We head to commercial.

Back from commercial, both women are down. Nox throws Kai into the cage, then a second time, then a third. Kai stomps away on Kai against the cage. Nox hits a huge stomp and gets a nearfall. Nox gets another nearfall.

Kai comes back with a huge attack for a nearfall. Kai hits a headbutt. Both women climb to the top of the cage. They battle on the cage. Nox sends Kai crashing to the mat. Kai knocks Nox off the top rope and hits her with a series of kicks. Nox and Kai trade running corner blows. Nox hits a Cannonball for a nearfall. Nox climbs to the top of the cage. Nox sees Gonzalez at ringside. Nox hits a huge diving crossbody onto Kai.

Nox crawls to the cage. Raquel Gonzalez closes the door in Nox’s face. Kai goes for a Superkick and accidentally kicks the door into Gonzalez’s face. Nox hits Kai with Shiniest Wizard for a nearfall.

Raquel tries to get in the cage but Nox knocks Gonzalez out. Nox tries to climb out of the cage, but Kai meets her at the top of the cage. Nox sends Kai crashing to the mat. Nox tries to climb out. Gonzalez pulls Kai out of the ring, but Nox kicks the door into Kai’s leg. Gonzalez uses the door to pin Nox to the side of the cage as Kai crawls out the cage door at 16:11.

WINNER: Dakota Kai

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After the match, Finn Balor talks about chess. He says he’s always made the first move. He thanks WALTER for forcing his hand. He says that WALTER will not like Balor’s reaction to Imperium’s assault last week.

Continued on NEXT PAGE—–>

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