Backstage News On Bobby Lashley's TNA Debut, After Lockdown Went Off The Air


— After last night’s TNA Lockdown Pay-Per-View went off the air, Team 3D came out a celebrated with new TNA Champion Mick Foley. Mick grabbed the mic and talked about the days when he’d wrestling in Japan for $64,000 and would rush home so he could wrestle for $900 at the ECW arena. There was a lout ECW chant from the crowd. Foley thanked everyone for coming out and Bubba told the live audience that they’ll be signing autographs in the lobby.

— Bobby Lashley arrived backstage at TNA Lockdown on Sunday night at about 10:00 PM Eastern, just moments before his debut with the company. The former ECW World Champion’s debut was kept secret by everyone in TNA. Lashley appeared at the top of the entrance ramp at the conclusion of the Lethal Lockdown match while everyone in the ring looked on with shock, except Kurt Angle, who was smiling.

** RAW *SPOILERS* from the UK & VIDEO of BOBBY LASHLEY’s TNA Entrance Video [>]