Terry Funk Discusses Being Inducted Into WWE HOF, ECW's Impact On Wrestling
Show: The Interactive Interview courtesy of http://www.WrestlingEpicenter.com
Guest(s): Roxxi Laveaux/Nikki Roxx & Terry Funk
Date: 3/22/09
Your Hosts: Patrick Kelley, James Walsh, & Nick Noel
Special Contributor: Andres
Transcript By: Patrick Kelley
What a killer night of pro wrestling talk as we bring it back to the name sake. This IS The Interactive Interview! Not only did Terry Funk talk about the amazing event to happen in Philadelphia, PA on June 27 which you can attend and meet your favorite ECW originals with proceeds being donated to the American Cancer Society (visit http://myspace.com/legendsofthearena for tickets) BUT we get call in guest questions and are even joined on a special call in for Terry Funk by “The First Lady of Wrestling” Missy Hyatt! How cool is that?
Then, a hot name in the business right now, former TNA Knockout Roxxi joins us to clear the air about her situation with Rhaka Khan!
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– The Hall of Famer Terry Funk is welcomed back onto TII. When Terry hears that Nick is from Nebraska, that immediately sparks a conversation about the DiBiase family whose history was born in that state. He talks about his history with the DiBiases and he says he was able to work with the newest generation, most notably Ted Jr. Terry also mentions that he is probably the only guy to have worked with all three generations of Ortons & Maivias. When its brought up that Flair might have done it as well, Terry jokingly says “Aw he didn’t do that shit”
– Funk talks about his role in the “Legends of the Arena” event at the old ECW Arena. He is really looking forward to it and he talks about how truly special the original ECW was. To show ECW’s influence on wrestling, Terry Funk mentions that if you watch Wrestlemania XXV, you can definitely see how alot of the things done on that show stemmed from ECW. The hosts also talk with Funk about the influences of ECW.
– Terry then tells us about alot of the people that helped make ECW like Eddie Gilbert & Sandman, and feels that even though ECW went out of business, it left a mark on wrestling and it is still seen today. He just wishes that ECW’s audience had spread across the country rather than staying mostly on the east coast.
– He also tells us that with all the big names & major titles that he won in his career, he says that ECW was one of his greatest highlights. It wasn’t about the money, but rather doing something that had never been done before.
– He puts over his match at One Night Stand 2006 where he teamed with Dreamer & Beulah against Edge, Foley, & Lita, which many agreed was the match of the night. When asked if he’d ever do it again, he said “Hell no! I feel like I’m a Hundred & Five!” He says that Edge did well in the match and says he’s a great performer.
– Funk puts over alot of the talent in the WWE now as he specifically mentions Michaels, Taker, HHH, Edge among many other great talents in the WWE. He does wish there were other options than WWE because it only helps the business.
– Our friend Andres calls in explains to Funk how much it means to get to speak to him. This leads into a discussion about the WWE’s new ECW. Funk’s opinion of the product is that it could have worked if it was treated as a seperate product rather than part of the WWE, it might have worked. James then explains his theory that Vince brought ECW back so the fans would stop chanting it, and Terry says that there is probably some truth to that.
– When asked if creating an ECW like product that was completely seperate from the WWE, Funk says that it can’t be a carbon copy of what ECW used to be, but they’d have to find a way to recapture that exteme atmosphere. When asked if he feels ROH has some of that spirit to it, he says its a pretty good show, but it isn’t mainstream enough and they need to break out more.
– Terry then talks about his experience in being inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame. He says it was a great night and a wonderful moment. His only complaint was that he wished that he had been given more time to speak, but it was still a very proud night for him. He was also honored to be inducted in with his brother.
– We are then treated to a surprise as “The First Lady of Wrestling” Missy Hyatt calls into the show! She talks to Terry and congratulates him for being inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame. The two ECW alumnists have a nice discussion as they catch up with each other and give us a few great comments & stories that keep us entertained. They talked about the joys of dog ownership, Missy’s induction into the WSU Hall of Fame, a Horse that almost killed Funk in WCW, how much they like Lacey Von Erich, and some great talks about their past interactions. And at the end of it, Funk puts his dog on the phone!
– When asked what his role will be at the Legends of the Arena event, Terry says that he doesn’t plan on wrestling and then jokes that his wife doesn’t want him to.
– The Legends of the Arena show will be supporting the American Cancer Society, and Terry likes being involved with a show that is supporting a great cause. He also expresses his respect for Francine for taking on this cause.
– Right now, Terry spends his time relaxing and enjoy his retirement. James then brings up the famous line that Terry Funk said when he was on the show last time roughly four years ago. The line involves his Dumpster match at Wrestlemania XIV and when told it was a fun match, Terry responded with “It wasn’t fun for me, I lost my ass in that match” That line has survived throughout the show as the hosts still laugh about it to this day and James thanks Terry for giving us that great line. Terry starts laughing and says “I did lose my ass in that match…I still have one cheek of my ass missing”
– Terry is then asked about his SNME match with Hulk Hogan that has recently been put on the DVD. Terry thought it was a good match and a great oppurtunity because there were guys that didn’t want to wrestle Hulk and thought it’d be good attention for him. He says that he’s had his ups & downs with Hogan, but he wishes him the best and says that he had a lot of good times with Hulk.
– This great interview closes with the standard question of how Funk feels about the news media’s treatment of pro wrestling. He feels like they constantly fight for ratings and they don’t cara about what they do or say about other people to get those higher ratings.