Triple H Not Getting Bischoff or Heyman’s Gig Viewed as “Very Telling”

Paul Heyman and Eric Bischoff were named the executive directors of RAW and Smackdown last week, respectively, which means they will be in charge creatively and answer only to Vince McMahon. There were conflicting reports over whether or not Triple H turned down the job on the Smackdown side before it was given to Bischoff. In the latest edition of Wrestling Observer Radio, Dave Meltzer weighed in on the situation and spoke about why Triple H may not have been given an Executive Director role.
Meltzer said that it was “very telling” that they didn’t go with Triple H, because he knows the product and the talent better than anyone. He added that with Triple H becoming the successor of WWE eventually, there was a fear that if he failed with Smackdown publicly, particularly with the upcoming move to FOX, it would look bad. So by not giving him the job, it was protecting him in a way.
It also mentioned that people looked at Triple H as the most likely candidate due to his knowledge of the wrestlers and the business, as well as the fact that he’s able to produce shows (with NXT) that get over with modern audiences instead of shows that are based on the wrestling he liked or wrestling that was over twenty years ago.Click Here: Milan soccer tracksuit