7/17/19 WWE NXT UK Recap

Sid Scala opens the show and runs down the card for the show: Saxon Huxley and Tyson T-Bone vs. Fabian Aichner and Marcel Barthel, Xia Brookside vs. Jinny, and Mark Andrews vs. Kassius Ohno.
The opening credits roll. Aiden English and Vic Joseph are on commentary.

Match #1 – Tag Team Match: Imperium (Fabian Aichner and Marcel Barthel) vs. Saxon Huxley and Tyson T-Bone
Aichner and T-Bone start the match. They lock up and Aichner drops him with a shoulder tackle. T-Bone comes back with a right hand and a clothesline. T-Bone goes for a cross-body, but Aichner catches him and slams him to the mat. Barthel and Huxley tag in. Aichner slams Huxley to the mat and Barthel drops down onto him. Barthel kicks Huxley in the face and delivers an uppercut. Barthel stomps and punches Huxley in the corner and then delivers headbutts. Barthel smacks Huxley in the chest and tags in Aichner. Aichner delivers a chop and tags Barthel back in. They hang Huxley in the corner and deliver double dropkicks to him. Barthel applies a rear chin-lock, but Huxley counters with a jaw-breaker. Huxley delivers a few uppercuts and then drops Barthel with a clothesline. Aichner tags in and pulls T-Bone to the floor and then knees him in the head against the steps.
Huxley drops Barthel with a clothesline in the ring, but Aichner takes him down from behind. Barthel tags back in and delivers a spinning uppercut as Aichner powerbombs Huxley. Barthel rolls into the cover and gets the pin fall.
Winners: Imperium

Travis Banks is backstage for an interview. Banks says it was his dream to be the WWE United Kingdom Champion, and he is a little devastated. He says it’s not about hitting the reset button and it’s now just the beginning in NXT UK for the Kiwi Buzzsaw.

Match #2 – Singles Match: Xia Brookside vs. Jinny (w/Jazzy Gabert)
Brookside gets a quick roll-up, but Jinny kicks out at two. Brooksiede delivers a dropkick and goes for another cover, but Jinny kicks out again. Brookside applies a side-headlock, but Jinny turns it into a wrist-lock and a side-headlock of her own. Brookside sends Jinny off the ropes and takes her down with a cross-body. Brookside goes for another cover, but Jinny kicks out at two. Jinny sends Brookside to the corner and charges, but Brookside moves. Brookside connects with double knees and Jinny rolls to the floor. Brookside goes ater her, but Gabert cuts her off. Jinny grabs Brookside’s hair, but Brookside drapes her over the rope. Gabert attacks Brookside and rolls her back into the ring. Jinny stomps on Brookside and delivers right hands. Jinny goes for the cover, but Brookside kicks out at two. Jinny kicks Brookside in the face and goes for another cover, but Brookside kicks out again.
Jinny delivers a forearm and then applies an inverted surfboard submission. Brookside makes it to the ropes, but Jinny delivers a few more forearm shots. Jinny charges at Brookside in the corner, but Brookside kicks her in the face. Brookside connects with a hurricanrana and then takes Jinny down with a snapmare. Brookside delivers a shoulder tackle that sends Jinny into the referee, and Gabert grabs Brookside’s ankle. Jinny rolls Brookside up and gets the pin fall.
Winner: Jinny

Imperium are backstage and are asked about British Strong Style. Barthel says they have eliminates British Strong Style one by one, staring with Pete Dunne, and then Tyler Bate two weeks ago. Alexander Wolfe says Trent Seven is next, because Walter accepts. Walter says he will do the same thing to Seven that he did to Bate, and break his back.

Kenny Williams cuts a promo on Noam Dar. He confirms that they have a match next week and he is going to show him that you don’t need to use underhand tactics to be successful in NXT.
Footage of last week’s main event between Gallus and the team of Dave Mastiff and The Hunt, which Gallus won, is shown. Footage of Gallus in the trainer’s room airs, and then Joe Coffey says wild animals like The Hunt can be tamed, because they tamed them. He says Mastiff was still standing, but he will put him on a leash and tame him as well.

The NXT UK Women’s Champion, Toni Storm, makes her way to the ring. She says for the longest time, she thought Kay Lee Ray was one of her best friends. She says Ray took her under her wing and she was grateful, but then things went awry. She asks Ray what happened. She tells Ray that she doesn’t have to try to get her attention, because she knows Ray has a title match. Ray comes to the stage. Ray says she seems to be more prepared than Storm, and says they can have the match right now. Storm gets ready, and then Ray says it’s not happening. Ray says she is not going have the match tonight, or next week, but she is going to have her match at the biggest show they have, NXT UK TakeOver: Cardiff on August 31st. Ray says she will make Storm’s life a living hell until then.

Scala says just because that match is happening at TakeOver doesn’t mean Ray and Storm won’t be in action. He announces the first-ever Six-Woman Tag Team Match in NXT UK with Kay Lee Ray, Jinny, and Jazzy Gabert taking on Toni Storm, Xia Brookside, and Piper Niven, and that match will happen next week.

Trent Seven vs. Walter is confirmed for next week’s show.

Match #3 – Singles Match: Kassius Ohno vs. Mark Andrews
They lock up and Ohno applies a side-headlock. He sends Andrews to the mat and then applies a hammer-lock. Ohno goes back to the side-headlock, but Andrews turns it into one of his own. Ohno goes right back to it, but Andrews turns it back into one of his own. Ohno gets free, but Andrews delivers a few dropkicks. Andrews takes Ohno down with an arm-drag and then delivers a baseball slide dropkick. Andrews goes for a suicide dive, but Ohno catches him and throws him int the exposed steel of the turnbuckle. Ohno tosses Andrews back into the ring and delivers a running leg drop. Ohno goes for the cover, but Andrews kicks out at two. Ohno applies a headlock on the mat and then a vice grip. Andrews gets to his feet, but Ohno chokes him over the top rope. Ohno delivers a few chops in the corner, but Andrews comes back with forearm shots.
Ohno chokes Andrews over the middle rope and applies a rear chin-lock. Andrews gets to his feet, but Ohno delivers a back-breaker. Ohno goes for the cover, but Andrews kicks out at two. Ohno kicks Andrews in the corner, but Andrews comes back with a kick to the face. Andrews goes up top, but Ohno shoves him to the floor. Ohno delivers a forearm shot and then delivers a slap across the chest. Ohno rolls Andrews back into the ring and goes for a kick, but Andrews delivers an enzuiguri. Andrews delivers another, and then a third, enzuiguri. Andrews delivers a hurricanrana to the floor and then gets Ohno back into the ring. Andrews goes up top and takes Ohno down with another hurricanrana. Andrews goes for the cover, but Ohno kicks out at two. Andrews connects with a standing moonsault and goes for the cover, but Ohno kicks out again.
Ohno comes back with a throat shot, but Andrews meets him with an elbow. Ohno delivers a forearm to Andrew’s neck and goes for the cover, but Andrews kicks out at two. Ohno lifts Andrews and then slams him to the mat with a gut-buster. Ohno goes for the cover, but Andrews kicks out. Ohno delivers a few chops, but Andrews fires back with shots of his own. Andrews delivers a few kicks, but Ohno meets him with a knee strike. Ohno goes for a neck-breaker, but Andrews counters with a reverse-rana. Andrews goes for the cover, but Ohno kicks out at two. Ohno goes for a slam, but Andrews counters with the Stundog Millionaire. Andrews comes off the ropes and drops Ohno with a DDT. Andrews goes for the cover, but Ohno kicks out at two. Andrews goes up top and goes for the Fall to Pieces, but Ohno catches him and delivers a suplex. Ohno kicks Andrews in the face and then goes for a pile-driver, but Andrews rolls through and gets the pin fall.
Winner: Mark AndrewsClick Here: River Plate soccer tracksuit