Enzo Amore Says His Time In WWE Was ‘A Blessing’

In an interview with Wrestling Inc, Enzo Amore referred to his time in WWE as ‘a blessing,’ especially because of what he learned while he was there. Here are highlights:
On his time in WWE: “Six years under the WWE umbrella was a blessing, a huge blessing, because I learned how to do things the right way and didn’t have much of a choice in the matter. Now that I see some of the greatest wrestlers in the world like CaZXL (Big Cass in WWE) and Jon Moxley (Dean Ambrose in WWE) getting in the ring and kind of just working things out there with no guidelines, no rules, just doing what they want to do and what they’re great at. It’s easy to see why someone like me would get the itch to want to try something new like this. All I achieved in the WWE that’s behind me was – I can’t even believed that it happened to me, you know what I mean? It’s crazy to think.”
On working with CazXL again: “We’ve had such a crazy whirlwind of events over the past year of our lives to kind of rekindle a friendship, get back together, become business partners, best friends, and hit the road again. It’s that Willie Nelson song, dude, ‘On the road again.’ It’s a great song – we were actually listening to it on the way here like, ‘This is us, right?’ So, it’s just fun. I’m meeting a whole new group of wrestlers and talking to these guys, and I’m enjoying myself, man! It’s just freedom at it’s finest.”
On wrestling Brian Pillman Jr: “I think [I took] 572 days in-between wrestling matches; I just had a match two days ago with Brian Pillman Jr.. Yeah, my return to the same place that I had my last wrestling match for 205 Live. The last match I had was in the Mid-Hudson Civic Center in Poughkeepsie, NY and the crowds were pretty much the same, man. I can’t tell you how many people I met in the meet and greet that were like, ‘Yo! I was at your last match.’ It’s so cool to see the turn over.”
On the WWE segment where he roasted the 205 Live roster: “You’ve got to watch nZo’s career because [even though] Enzo Amore had a microphone, he was very generous when the bell went ding, ding ding. You could hit him with whatever you wanted, do whatever you wanted, and I’ll let you hit me with the Kit and Kaboodle and try to make it look as violent as I can for you, pal. That cruiserweight roast was because the women in the segment before us went short in their match, and so we had four minutes added to our segment. And I’m like, ‘What am I going to do?’… We just went out there and ad-libbed for four minutes and, luckily, that’s what doing your homework is. If I’m on 205 Live, you better believe I wrote promos for each and every one of those guys extensively before I ever got handed a microphone on TV. You got to do your homework, man.”Click Here: