Gwen Jorgensen crowned Rio Olympic champion

USA’s Gwen Jorgensen has been crowned Olympic champion here in Rio today after an epic battle with reigning champion Nicola Spirig of Switzerland. There would also be another medal for the British team, with Gloucester’s Vicky Holland outpacing her housemate Non Stanford on the finishing straight.


The 1.5km swim kicked-off in waves bigger and choppier than the men’s race on Thursday, and the first three out were Spain’s Carolina Routier, USA’s Katie Zafares and Mari Rabie of South Africa. All the contenders were in the large lead pack of 31, including Gwen, the Brits of Non Stanford and Vicky Holland, plus Bermuda’s Flora Duffy and reigning Olympic champion Nicola Spirig.

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The hills and frenetic pace was pushed on the 40km bike leg by Spirig of Switzerland, Xterra off-road world champ Flora Duffy and GB’s Non Stanford, with the lead pack of 31 was halved by lap 2 of the bike. Brit Helen Jenkins had been dropped to 55secs back.