Despite warnings that there could be a decrease in Lottery funding due to a reduction in players UK Sport, who allocate resources, have given triathlon and paratriathlon a slight increase for the Tokyo cycle (£8,127,753 versus the £7,457,997 given for Rio).
This funding allows British Triathlon to have 25 triathletes and 16 paratriathletes within the World Class Programme. This is broken down to 21 triathletes and 4 training partners and 13 paratriathletes with three guides, who British Triathlon will announced soon.
British Triathlon performance manager Brendan Purcell said: “We received the best outcome that we could have hoped for from our funding bid, which is a significant vote of confidence in our world class programme. Thanks to UK Sport and the National Lottery for their continued support of triathlon and paratriathlon.”