RAW Report6/22/09RAW Report 6/22/09 Green Bay, Wisconsin

This RAW is commercial free – for the first time. Please bear with me as I try to get the play-by-play out to you as often as I can. Normally I use the commercial time to post, so this will be interesting. Thank goodness for technology! Without DVR this would be impossible!

RAW starts with video from the Fatal Four Way Match for the title that Orton won. Then a video of Vince stating that he’s selling RAW and the person he sold it to was Trump. Trump then spoke on the tron. He said RAW would be commercial free the next week (tonight). He also told Vince to stay out of his way. Vince was still in charge last week and so he held a Ten Man Battle Royal for the Contendership. HHH won. Trump spoke to HHH on the tron and said the Title Match would be tonight in a Last Man Standing Match.

Music and pyro.

Lilian announces Trump. Trump comes out with Kelly in a little yellow dress. She leaves him on the stage. He welcomes everyone to RAW. He said even though he owns RAW and has always loved it, it’s the fans show. No commercials tonight. More importantly the people there tonight not only get great matches, better than Vince would have given them. Vince is a Taker and he’s a giver. After the show is over, he’s giving them a full refund of whatever the hell they paid. The fans go wild for this, but it’s obvious that’s why they went wild for Trump when he came out. They’re going to see the greatest matches in the world for nothing $245,000 he’s giving back. (It was last June that Vince was giving away money, and now this.)

Cena comes out to the ring in a new shirt and hat that make him look like a John Deere tractor salesman. Cena says his hat’s off to trump. they all get to be part of a Last Man Standing Match. They get to see HHH and Orton. And it’s commercial free. And Trump put him in a match with Big Show. Then after the show they get their money back. Again Cena says his hat’s off to Trump. Trump’s trying to make a statement. Here’s someone else trying to make a statement. Video of Miz ripping on Cena. Cena says Miz always has something so interesting to say. He wonders what Miz has to say this week and calls him out. Miz’s music takes a bit to start, but then it does and he comes out in his anti-Cena shirt. Miz stays up on the stage and gets huge heat. Miz says Cena wants to hear what he has to say? Nothing. He’s said it all and Cena’s done nothing. Cena’s a coward. Cena says it’s interesting as he’s in the ring and Miz is up there. Miz stalks to the ring. Huge “you suck” chants. Miz gets in the ring and walks right up to Cena. Miz gets in Cena’s face and calls him a coward. Cena says this is normally the portion of the show that Miz has to pick up his own teeth. But not tonight. He’s going to give Miz what he wanted. Miz wanted it all, hold onto the brass ring and be awesome! He has his chance. But this is a classic case of good news / bad news. This Sunday at The Bash he has a match with Cena. the bad news is at The Bash Miz faces Cena. Cena put his ass on the line at the Hammerstein Ballroom. He was booed out of the Hall Of Fame and told he can’t wrestle at the grandest stage of them all. And he’s still here! He doesn’t get rattled. What rattled is when you hear the bones in your neck start to crack when he’s locked in the STF. Rattled is after that first punch. Rattled is when he gets int the ring on Sunday and realizes he brought a knife to a gun fight. Six more days and Miz learns he doesn’t belong there. Six more days and he learns the real world has been canceled. Six more days before he gets it in his thick head what everyone knows. He’s not a reality show has been. He’s a WWE never was. This is the part of the show that he puts his tail between his legs and goes out back and pray. Pray on Sunday he comes out in one piece. “Cena” chants. Miz hits a cheap shot on Cena and then quickly flees the ring. Cena never hit the mat and is left in the ring smiling after Miz who runs up the ramp.

Video of Vince on his cell phone in front of his limo while his driver tried to fix the car. Trump has his limo and he has the lemon. He asked the driver what he planned to do. The driver said there was a gas station up the street. Vince said he’s never been to a gas station in his life. The driver said they’re not far from the arena. They can see the arena but Vince freaks out and said he won’t walk there. Vince gets off the phone and tells the driver that he’ll walk. Vince jumps on his back but the driver falls down. Vince tells him to call his boss and get him a limo as he’s getting to the arena in a limo and he’s not driving him.

They’re not having real commercials, but on the announce table in front of JR and Grisham are buckets of KFC grilled chicken. Got their advertising in! Grisham says Trump asked them to have a presence on RAW tonight. JR says they’ll hear Vince’s farewell address.

Jeff Hardy’s music and he comes out to the ring for a Six Man Tag Match. Khali comes out to tag with Jeff. Rey is the last out for their team. Video of Rey coming out of the crowd and attacking Jericho on SD!. This caused Jericho to lose to Jeff hardy. Jericho is the first heel to the ring. Dolph Ziggler comes out to join him. The last one out to the ring for the match is Edge. CM Punk comes out to announce and sits with Grisham and JR.

Khali starts working over Dolph. Jericho tags in and is tossed aside afetr slapping Khali across the face. Punk talks up trump. Jericho tossed from the ring. Edge comes in and Khali tosses him out. Dolph them comes in and gets tossed with the other two. Jeff runs and flies over the top to take them down. Rey gets up on Khali’s shoulders and flies off to again take out the three heels. Khali starts climbing the corner but Jericho attacks from behind with a kidney shot. Rey tags in and kicks Jericho’s legs. Enziguri to Jericho and Jericho in 619 position, but Edge tries to attack from the outside. Rey dropkicks Edge through the ropes. Jericho then takes Rey down. Punk asks for some chicken and they again push the grilled chicken. Dolph in and pins Rey for two. Punk then talks about Rey’s mask and how much the mask means to a luchador. Edge in and a huge kick to his head. Jeff and Dolph tag in. Jeff takes Dolph down hard. Inverted atomic drop. Jeff then plants Dolph face first. Edge rushes in and spears Jeff. Khali comes in and grabs Edge but can’t flatten him because Jericho tries to chop block him. Jericho tries a code breaker but Khali tosses him to the mat. Edge spears Khali. Rey lands Edge in 619 position and then Jericho next to him. Jericho gets free but Edge eats the move. Rey then flips/flies from the ring out onto Jericho. Jeff holds the ropes to ward off Dolph. Twist of fate to Dolph. Jeff climbs and hits his swanton for three.

– Winners: Rey, Khali & Jeff Hardy

Punk gets in the ring and raises Jeff’s hand from behind. Jeff realizes it’s Punk and tosses his hand off. Jeff leaves the ring but Punk stays in holding the strap high. Jeff glares as he backs up the ramp.

Out back Vince tries Trump’s office door but it’s locked. Vince calls for security to unlock the door. Santina is behind him and is thrilled to meet him. Vince says he understands that Trump is giving everyone their money back. Santina says they should share an office. Mr. McMahon and Donald… It can be called McDonald’s! Vince smirks then glares. Vince knocks on the door some more and Trump comes out. Vince says this is his office and there must be some sort of mistake. Trump said he bought and it’s his office. Vince asks where his office is. Trump says it’s down the hall and should be fine for Vince. Vince leaves and Trump asks who she is. Santina introduces himself. Trump asks what the hell is she doing there. Santina says she works there. Trump says he’s doing the same thing to her that he did to Miss California and fires her. Trump goes back into his office and Santina walks off. Santino comes up from the other direction calling to his sister. He’s upset that she’s fired. He thinks there’s something he can do for her as he loves her. Then he shrugs his shoulders and says she had a good run and walks off.

King and Cole talk about Green Bay, Bret Farve and Transformers.

Carlito and Primo come out to the ring, Primo is the one wrestling. Primo says Cody and Ted call themselves the Legacy. They get to hang out with Orton. They get to drive around Orton, run errands for him and tan with him. Carlito says Orton said no one rubs oil on him like them. Primo says that’s not cool! Primo says they’ll still hold the titles after Sunday and their only Legacy will be a part of Orton’s groupies. Carlito says that’s not cool. Cody and Ted come out for Cody to wrestle.

Arm bar on Primo and then he’s slammed back to the mat by his hair. One lone person is yelling Cody’s name from the crowd very loudly, over and over. Primo gains control but then gets hung up on the top rope. Cody covers for two. Primo slammed back into a corner a couple times and then to the mat. Cody drops a knee onto Primo’s head. Primo tried to fight back and slams Cody to the mat. Primo sent over the top but holds on. Primo about to skin the cat but Cody slams back into his hands knocking Primo to the floor. The crowd is very quiet for this match. Cody rolls Primo back in and pins for two. Chinlock on Primo in the center of the ring. Primo whipped but then gets his legs up and hits head scissors on Cody. Primo throws punches and hits a beautiful dropkick to Cody. A clothesline and then Primo hits a cartwheel in the ring before a back elbow to Cody for two. Jacknife cover on Cody for two. Upper cut and then a side Russian leg sweep to Primo for two. Primo then rolls Cody up for two. Flying crossbody onto Primo. Cody has the tights but the ref doesn’t see it and Cody steals the three.

– Winner: Cody

Video of Cody holding the tights. Legacy leaves while Primo and Carlito are mad in the ring.

Vince is in a locker room out back. Hornswoggle and Goldust come up to him. Goldust says Vince spent seven months thinking Hornswoggle was his bastard son! Goldust says he might give his hair to Trump. They want to try it on a billionarie to see how it looks. Goldust puts it on Vince who gets pissed, rips it off and slams it down. Goldust says that Vince’s office is in there and they flee. Vince turns around to see a bathroom stall door with his name plate on it. He’s obviously not happy about that. He says his farewell address is tonight and all he asks for is one shred of dignity. A flush and Festus comes out of Vince’s “office”. Festus walks over, slams his newspaper to Vince’s chest and keeps going. Vince glares and slams the paper down.

Video outside the arena. King asks if Festus was reading the Wall street Journal. He then goes on to say it looks like Vince might be regretting the sale of RAW already. Cole goes on about the show being commercial free. The show a welcome sign for trump. They then talk about the Last Man Standing match. Video of the feud between Orton and the McMahons / HHH / Batista.

Lilian announces the Last Man Standing Match. She goes through the rules of the match and that it goes until someone can’t answer the ref’s count of ten. HHH is first out to the ring. Another Kentucky Grilled Chicken logo pops up on the screen. Orton then comes out to face him with the strap over his shoulder but no Legacy in tow. Orton watches HHH closely as he gets in the ring. HHH glares at Orton. Lilian announces them once they’re in the ring. Huge pop for HHH and huge heat for Orton.

Orton attacks with punches and kicks backing HHH into a corner. HHH reverses it and really works Orton over. Orton shoulder first into the ringpost. HHH follows orotn out and slams him face first to the mat. Spinebuster to Orton in the ring. HHH sets up for the pedigree but Orton gets out. Orton sends HHH into a corner. HHH did HBK’s back roll/flip thing in the corner, but somehow landed outside and might have landed wrong – according to King. Cole agrees and HHH is limping a bit. Orton follows HHH out but eats a clothesline. HHH picks Orton up and lands him ribs first on the barrier. punches drops Orton into the crowd side. The ref starts counting and gets to five. HHH goes out and grabs Orton, slamming him into another barrier. Orton sends HHH into the barrier. Orton comes over and this a chop block on that leg. Orton tells the ref to count. He gets to about five again. HHH is sent knee first into the steps. Orton gets the steps up and slams them into HHH’s head. Orton gets HHH into the ring part way and slams his leg down on the side of the ring. Orton stomps his way around HHH in the ring. Orton continues to stomp HHH’s leg. knee drop to HHH’s left knee. HHH rolls out of the way of Orton’s knee drop. Orton rolls from the ring and slams HHH’s leg around the ringpost. Orton continues to slam HHH’s leg around the post. Orton goes and grabs a chair. Orton puts the chair up and HHH kicks it into Orton’s face. HHH out of the ring and Orton grabs the chair. Orton bounces the chair off HHH’s head. Orton has the ref start counting. The ref gets to eight. Orton gets right back on HHH and beats him down some more. Orton takes the stuff off the announce table and bounces HHH’s head off the table. Orton standing on the table drags HHH to his feet and HHH hits a low blow on Orton. HHH fights to his feet and sets up for the pedigree. Orton gets out and hits an RKO on the table. HHH is face down on the table and Orton is on the floor behind it holding his shoulder. Orton gets to his feet at five. HHH slides his feet to the floor and barely stands on none. Orton rushes HHH. HHH hits a back body drop on Orton onto the table. The ref starts counting for them both again. They both make it to their feet, barely, at nine. HHH hits Orton over the head with a monitor. They both stagger around and then to their feet. HHH throws punches and they work over to the ramp area. HHH slams Orton’s head into the barrier. Orton crawls hit the ramp and they fight back and forth. Spinebuster on Orton on the steel ramp. The ref starts to count. HHH gets to his feet, but Orton’s still down. Orton gets up at nine. HHH sets up the pedigree but Orton reverses into a back body drop on the ramp! The ref starts to count. HHH rolls off the side of the ramp and to his feet. Punches from Orton, both on their knees. HHH fights back with punches. Both are really hurting. Orton slams his fists into the floor setting up HHH for the RKO. HHH pushes Orton away and over a barrier into electrical equipment. The ref starts to count. HHH up at four using the stage. Orton up at eight. HHH grabs a ladder and rushes Orton. Orton ducks and some crew member eats the top of the ladder! Then another got nailed with it as HHH lost his balance. The ref calls for a doctor or trainer. HHH gets to his feet, barely. Orton goes after HHH’s leg and then punches. Orton slams HHH’s knee down on the side of the stage. Orton grabbed the crew member out of the way to grab the ladder. Orton hits a chop block on HHH with the top of the ladder. Orton then hits HHH in the head with the ladder. Orton puts HHH’s leg between the ladder and then stomps on it over and over. Huge heat from the fans. King says it’s enough. The ref starts counting. “Randy sucks” chants. Orton tells the ref to stop counting and continues working on HHH. The ref yells at Orton. Orton sets up the ladder and pulls HHH up to some semblance of standing with his legs barely holding him. Orton tries for an RKO off the ladder but HHH counters. HHH hits a pedigree and both are down. The ref starts counting. HHH tries to use the ladder to get to his feet but can’t get up. Neither reach their feet for the ten count.

– Winner: No Contest

Lilian announce Orton is still Champion. Refs out to help HHH. A trainer there to help HHH to his feet and out. Orton is still down as HHH is held up and limping. HHH lets go and stomps Orton before falling to the stage. They again grab HHH to get him out of there and away from Orton. Video of the end of the match. They’re working to get Orton to his feet.

Video of Jeff Hardy winning at Extreme Rules and then Punk coming out to cash in his MITB contract. At The Bash Jeff faces Punk for the title.

Maryse is out back. Miz comes up to her. She about leave and he grabs her arm. She tells him to not waste her time until he does something impressive to Cena. He asks if like what he did to Cena earlier? She says it doesn’t mean anything. Miz says what he did to Cena tonight was to show he can’t rattle the Miz. Six days from now he’s going to prove he belongs here and he owns Cena. Maryse stops him and says to do something impressive. She walks off and Miz is left with a thoughtful look on his face.

King and Cole talk about Rage In The Cage. Rey and Jeff team against Jericho and Edge – in a cage. This week on SD!.

Trump comes out with Eve on one arm and Maria on the other, both in skimpy black dresses. They walk him, and his bad hair, to the ring. Video of the press conference where he got walked out by a whole bunch of Divas. Trump asks if everyone’s having a good time. The fans go wild. He says there’s nothing like really good ownership. Get rid of this guy McMahon and there’s nothing like it. He says earlier that after the show they get their money back. For all the people watching TV, commercial free. Never happened before. The new GM Vince wanted to appoint? He’s not going to appoint a new GM. He’s going to instead appoint a celebrity host every week. No GM, who wants a GM? It could be an actor, a great looking actress, a WWE champion. He doesn’t believe in GMs. He’s going to run things and runt hem properly. He’s going to be working for the fans and get a lot of freebies from Trump. The greatest thing to happen will be WM26, it will be fantastic. Vince’s music plays and cuts Trump off. Vince comes out with his strut and Trump looks annoyed. Trump paces the ring waiting for Vince. Vince says he knows what Trump is doing and he’s had enough of it. It’s one thing for Trump to… A deal’s a deal and Trump owns RAW. but he didn’t know Trump was going to do this commercial free stuff. Vince says he loses a lot of money. He hears Trump’s thinking of going commercial free every week. And Trump gives them their money back. The people of Green Bay don’t deserve their money back! Huge heat for Vince. There’s another rumor that he’s going to let RAW be free every week. Vince says Trump can’t do it. If Trump does that, in six month’s time Vince will be bankrupt. Trump nods and Vince realizes it. Vince tells Trump to be reasonable. trumps says he has a few things to say to Vince. This is peanuts. He paid a big price for RAW and can do whatever he wants. Vince says this isn’t fair. Trump says he has a lot of billionaire friends and they want to buy. He can double his money any time. Vince is freaked by this. He says Trump played him. Trump smirks. Vince says this is a well orchestrated trap. Vince wants to make a deal. Vince admits Trump’s smarter than him. He wants to buy RAW back for what Trump paid for it. They’d shake hands and everything will be fine. Heat from the fans. Vince says that’s fair and the fans don’t like it. Trump says he has no interest at all. Vince says he should have some return in his investment. What if Vince pays him that plus 25%. Trump says no, he likes these people and likes giving them free admission. Vince says 50% more than what Trump paid. Trump says it’s good for some people, but not good for him. Vince offers 75%. Trump continues to say no over and over. Trump tells Vince to get his numbers up. Vince says double his money back, he’s got a deal. Trump looks to the fans, the fans boo. Trump shakes Vince’s hand and says he has a deal. Vince says if Trump ever crosses his path again, if he sees him, no matter where, he’ll knock Trump on his billionaire’s butt. Another thing Mr. Trump, you’re fired! Trump gets right in Vince’s face. Huge “Donald Trump!” chants. Trump gets right up there and slaps the taste out of Vince’s mouth. Vince is pissed. Four big men in suits get between them. Finally they have to hold Vince back briefly. Vince then stomps out of the ring and yells and points from outside. Vince up on the apron and he’s pulled off by the suits. Trump motions for Vince to come on back. Up on the stage Vince is still all puffed up. Trump waves to the fans and gets great pop. Trump leaves the ring.

Cole says he’s hungry, has worked up an appetite. He eyes the buckets of chicken in front of them. King offers to sell the buckets of chicken for twice what he paid for them. King then says he hasn’t paid anything for them yet. They’re still pushing the chicken!

Video of Cena facing Edge and Big Show putting Cena into the search light and Edge winning the Championship. Then at Extreme Rules Cena got the STF on Big Show using the ropes. Big Show tapped out.

Out back Orton’s being worked over and iced by trainers. Vince throws them all out. Vince screams at Cody and Ted to leave the building now. He tells Orton he just bought back RAW. Is Orton in pain now? Wait until The Bash. Orton says he can barely stand now, if Vince has any decency… Vince says he’ll show him decency. This Sunday he’ll face HHH again. It will be a 2-3 Falls Match. The first will be a Wrestling Match. The second will be a Falls Count Anywhere Match. Vince doesn’t care if it’s the parking lot, he doesn’t care if it’s the state line! If needed, the third fall will be a Stretcher Match. Vince likes to call it the three stages of hell! Orton leans back and stares at Vince. Vince tells Orton to enjoy his hurt, because Vince will.

Mickie and the Bella Twins come bouncing out together. Mickie in gunmetal grey. the Bella twins in black and red. Another KFC promo. Rosa, Beth and Maryse come out together. Maryse in black and gold, Beth in black and blue, Rosa in black and purple.

Mickie throws her hat at Maryse, but it’s Rosa who starts with Mickie. Mickie cart wheels from an arm hold. Beth tags in and talks smack to Mickie. Beth gets Mickie up and over the top. Mickie climbs and flies but Beth ducks out of the way. Mickie lands on her feet but runs into a clothesline. A twin tags in and Beth takes her down. Rosa tags in but eats head scissors and a slam. Rosa into the face corner and then a monkey flip. Distracted by the ref Beth attacks from outside and then Rosa gets the pin for two. Maryse gets the tag and slaps around the twin and hits a back breaker for two. The twin is slammed down face first and then a knee to the back of the twin’s head to grind her face down. Maryse slides the twin’s face across the mat. The twin slammed face first into the corner and Rosa tags in. Forearm to Rosa’s face and then she’s slammed down hard. Mickie gets the tag and really works over Rosa. Beth starts to come in and Mickie dropkicks her from the apron. Mickie rushes Maryse who drops off the apron to avoid Mickie. Neck breaker to Rosa but Beth breaks the count. Both twins in and double dropkick Beth. Rosa slams her forearm into the back of Mickie’s head. Mickie hits a superkick and pins for three.

– Winners: Nikki, Brie & Mickie

Mickie blows a kiss to Maryse who is pissed.

King and Cole talk more with the chicken in front of them. They say USA is showing National Treasure tomorrow night without commercials.

Video of Cena and how Soriano, a Cub, does Cena’s ‘can’t see me’ movement. They go on talking about how great of a player he is, Cena at a game and a nice little video.

King and Cole are in the ring and they run through the matches slated for The Bash.

Big Show comes out to the ring. Cena comes out to face him. more KFC promos flashed up on the screen.

Cena walks right up to Big Show and they meet in the center of the ring. Cena does his ‘can’t see me’ hand movement and pushes Big Show’s face away. Cena starts punching away and shoulder blocks Big Show right from the ring. Cena follows outside and Big Show gets Cena up on his shoulder. Big Show drops Cena “face first” onto the barrier, but they were so far away that Cena had to raise his arms quite far above his head so his hands hit the barrier – his head was about a foot away from where it was supposed to be! Cena holds the barrier and Big Show grabs him. Cena rolled back in the ring. “Cena” chants. Spear to Cena in the ring. Big Show stands one foot on Cena’s throat while Big Show holds his weight on the top rope. Suplex to Cena for two. Big Show shushed the fans and hit Cena in the chest. In another corner Big Show shushes but Cena ducks this time. Punches to Big Show but Big Show gets Cena up as if for a power bomb, but Big Show sends Cena up and over to land face first. Cena rolls from the ring and the ref starts counting. Cena makes it back in. Cena goes for a shoulder block but is pushed off easily. Big Show slams his legs/bum down on Cena. Big punch to Cena’s gut. Big Show pulls Cena up by his head but Cena manages to jump up and put a headlock on Big Show. Big Show suplexes Cena off and pins for two. Big Show kicks Cena to the side. Big Show pulls Cena up in a corner and punches him in the gut. Big Show back splashes Cena in a corner. “Cena” chants while Big Show grins. Big Show goes for another back splash but Cena moves. punches to Big Show, but it doesn’t last and Cena is down. Big Show pulls Cena up to his feet, holds his neck and drops his leg and Cena together. Big Show pins for two. Big Show stands on Cena by the ropes again. Big Show laughs and smiles at Cena. Cena is whipped but gets his feet up into Big Show’s gut. Cena takes Big Show down. Cena climbs and drops a leg to the back of Big Show’s neck. Cena looks shocked that Big Show is down. Five knuckle shuffle to Big Show. Cena walks right into a chokeslam and Big Show pins for another two. Big Show walks across Cena’s ribs. Big Show up to the second ropes in a corner. Big Show drops down to splash Cena. Big Show doesn’t cover but drags Cena into the center of the ring. Big Show set Cena up for the STF, but Cena reverses it and locks on the STF himself. Miz comes out just before Big Show taps out. Cena then gets Big Show up for the AA. Cena staggers around a bit. Miz on the apron pushes Big Show so Cena falls to the mat with Big Show on top. Big Show pins Cena for three.

– Winner: Big Show

Big Show celebrates while Miz hides outside the ring. Big Show leaves the ring and Miz slides in the ring. Miz looks down at Cena, then gets in his face. Miz glares around and then poses over Cena. Miz mocks Cena with the ‘can’t see me’ hand movement. Miz down in Cena’s face again and then more posing.

Out back Orton is very slowly walking along pulling his suitcase behind him. Orton is limping along and HHH blind sides him. HHH asks Orton if he thought it was over. HHH gets Orton half into a trunk of a car and slams the lids down on him. Orton falls out to a sitting position leaning against the back of the car. HHH sits right up next to him and says it’s not over by a long shot. This Sunday, Orton’s going to hell. HHH gets up and leaves Orton who can barely moves and is gasping in pain.

Biggest pop
Jeff Hardy

Biggest heat
Big Show