Mike "Simon Dean" Bucci Interview On WWE, Benoit, Drugs In Wrestling, More
Former head of WWE Developmental and Superstar Mike Bucci/Simon Dean had an interview with China’s only wrestling online radio show, Wrestle-Network.com and touched on many subjects. The always straight shooting Mike Bucci went deep in Wrestle-Network’s best interview yet.
– Mike and Daddyshawn joked on their “history”.
– Mike and Daddyshawn talked about WWE’s expansion in China and the possibility of it. Daddyshawn specifically mentioned he can hook up wrestling promoters to work in China if offer comes.
– Mike talked about his time when he was in charged of the developmental. How some of the guys do not even know the agents and some wrestling legends. How Mike created a list of 100 of the most influential wrestling personalities in wrestling.
– Mike talked about the incident between Santino Marella and Jim Cornette.
– Daddyshawn talked to Mike about the guys who he has hired while he was in WWE.
– Mike mentioned why Ted DiBiase Jr. wrestled in All-Japan for two years and wrestled with Harley Race’s WLW before going to developmental.
– Mike talked about TNA and Rong of Honor. Also talked about Bryan Danielson and Nigel McGuinness.
– He also talked about how the business has changed from his time in the indies to going to WWE.
– Mike mentioned how some tough guys who are portrayed a comedy characters in wrestling.
– Mike’s take on Bob Sapp and Bobby Lashley’s up-coming MMA match.
– He also mentioned on how WWE is losing its battle to UFC.
– Mike’s thoughts and memories on Chris Benoit. How wrestling has left a huge mark on professional wrestling.
– Mike’s praised John Lauranaitis and the talents relations department.
– Mike Bucci will be wrestling June 27th with Blue Meanie in the former ECW Arena.
– Mike talked about Booker T and Sharmell and his company PWA.
– Mike mentioned drugs and wrestling business and WWE’s Wellness Policy.
– He also mentioned about WWE not signing enough international wrestlers, especially people from China and South Korea.
Plus many more, to listen to the entire over 1 hour interview, please go to the following link.