RAW Report 10/25/10 Green Bay, Wisconsin

This post Bragging Rights RAW starts with music and pyro.

Wade led Nexus, including a lagging, head hung low, Cena. Otunga and Cena both had their straps in hand. Cena looks pissed! Cena stood in one corner, not in the center of the ring with the rest of Nexus. “Cena” chants. Wade thanked the fans and got heat. Wade asked the fans to simmer down. He’d like to take this opportunity to introduce the most dominant group in the WWE – Nexus. He’s Wade Barrett. David Otunga. Heath Slater. Justin Gabriel. Wade motioned for Cena to get up there. And John Cena. Wade said last night Nexus did the unthinkable when their actions resulted in the burial of the Undertaker. Stills of Buried Alive at Bragging Rights. You must be wondering why they got involved: helped Kane. It’s none of the fans’ business. Suffice to say, they had their reasons. Later on that night he defeated Randy Orton. Wade told Cena to explain what happened.

Cena wanted to know if it was an order. Wade says it is. Cena says in that case, Wade was about to get beat down by Randy Orton. So Cena interfere, Wade won the match. Congratulations. Wade smirked. What a very peculiar way of looking at things. Now he wants to tell what actually happened. Wade was well on his way to defeat Orton; become Champion when Cena inexplicable decided to enter the ring and put his hands on Wade. Wade called up stills from Bragging Rights. After that Cena had the audacity to hand Orton the Title. Cena says if Wade didn’t win the match, he’d be fired. Wade won the match. Wade asked if everything’s fine then? Orton’s still Champion, Wade won the match and Cena’s not fired, yet!

Ding-Ding! Of course Cole got serious heat. And I quote, “Since Wade Barrett technically won the match last night, he is entitled to a future rematch. However this time to maintain order, there must be a special guest ref. The ref will be chosen by the winner of tonight’s main event. Randy Orton Vs. any member of Nexus.”

Wade smirks. “Cena” chants. Wade looks at Cena. Wade says he knows exactly who will be facing Orton tonight. John Cena. “Cena” chants. Otunga grabbed a mic and says there’s unfinished business. Last night they became WWE Tag Team Champions, but did you see how they won? Cena ignored him, then hit him with an AA. Wade said it himself. You’re either Nexus or you’re against us. Last night was very clear Cena was against him, so Wade needs to make Cena pay for it. On principle alone Cena needs to be fired, now!

Wade says Otunga’s right about one thing. He and Cena cannot exist as Tag Team Champions. They’ll have a Tag Match right now. It will be the champions versus the challenger. Send down a ref.

Tag Team Championship Match – Cena & Otunga © Vs. Slater & Gabriel

Ref down to the ring and all decided to get ready for the match.

Cena told Otunga to stay. Cena listened to the fans chant for him, then Wade told Cena to hold on. Next doesn’t fight amongst themselves. That means someone must do the right thing. Someone must lay down in the center of the ring. That person must be – David Otunga.

Cena looked shocked, Otunga went over to argue with Wade. Wade told Otunga to do what he says. Wade demanded Otunga do this! Cena tagged Otunga in. Otunga kept arguing with Wade and didn’t lay down. Otunga was pissed! Slater pointed to Wade and told Otunga that Wade told him to do it. Otunga down on one knee. Otunga down and told Slater to be quick. Slater pinned for three.

Winners – Slater & Gabriel

Cena walked off up the ramp, totally pissed. Wade, Slater and Gabriel celebrated in the ring.

– Commercial

WWE Rewind – Dolph in Bryan’s face about their match. Dolph said to do it then and slapped Bryan across the face. Bryan turned back, but Vickie was there. Bryan went around Vickie and took Dolph apart. Dolph tapped outside.

Vickie out in black leather pants and a black lace tank top! Kaitlyn out in a one shouldered red satin mini dress. ‘Excuse me!’ ‘Excuse me!’ Vickie says there was a blemish in SD!’s perfect night. Her boyfriend was cheated by shotty officiating. That showed there was favoritism for RAW by the WWE refs. Tonight that won’t happen because Dolph will embarrass Bryan. Please help her welcome her boyfriend, Dolph Ziggler! Dolph out, Vickie glared at Kaitlyn for being too close. Kaitlyn trailed them to the ring. Vickie yelled at Kaitlyn to go sit down. Dolph posed in a corner. Bryan out to his fabulous music. Before the match could start punk came out in a Dare t shirt and a Cubs hoodie.

Champion Vs. Champion Rematch – Bryan Vs. Dolph

Dolph takes Bryan down. Punk to announce. Cole kisses up. Bryan grabs a hold of Dolph’s leg. Cole says he’s turned straight edge. Punk thinks that’s great. Cole then says it’s for the last 18 hours. Bryan works Dolph’s arm, then a shoulder block to Dolph. Bryan stomps his hands, then kicks Dolph’s chest. Bryan sets up a surfboard on Dolph. Punk wants to know if King knows this hold. Bryan rolled back, then bent Dolph back even further! They rolled forward, then Dolph was finally released.

Dolph fought back as Punk commented on how HBK trained Bryan (which we talked about in the Live Blog last night). Elbow to the back of Bryan’s head and Dolph got two. Side headlock on Bryan. Dolph ran the ropes. Bryan jumped high over him, dropped below, then hit a beautiful drop kick! Bryan pinned for two. Bryan held Dolph who got to the ropes. Dolph fought back with blows. Bryan used his legs to send Dolph over the top. Bryan flew through the ropes, took out Dolph as Bryan slammed back first into announce. Be bounced up and yelled, “Come on! Yeah!” to get the fans going even more.

– Commercial

Bryan drop kick Dolph in a corner and pinned for two. Video of Bryan flying before the break. Knees to Dolph in a corner. Bryan kicked Dolph in the head, but only got another long two. Bryan tried for his lock, but Dolph got to the ropes. Dolph and Bryan roll off the corner. Dolph rolled through and held Bryan down there for a long two. They scrabbled around, then Dolph kicked Bryan in the face for another long two. Punk talked up Bryan in a big way. Dolph missed the zig-zag, but managed to use Bryan’s momentum and got another two.

On their knees they threw punches back and forth. They talked about Kaitlyn and punk has ‘no idea’ she was on NXT, he’s more into the great action in the ring – too much sarcasm there! Dolph grabbed Bryan and threw Bryan down for another two! Punk says this match is the greatest thing to happen to Green Bay in he doesn’t know how long. Then Punk quietly said, Packers won last night. Both boys on the mat. Sleeper on Bryan. Dolph slammed into a corner, Dolph held on. Bryan reversed into his finishing submission. Vickie pulled Dolph’s leg under the rope, the ref didn’t see. Dolph tapped out.

Winner – Bryan

Vickie spazzed out, screaming and yelling at the ref. Bryan and Punk stared at each other. Dolph in. the ref tried to stop him. Bryan turned and Dolph fled the ring.

– Commercial

A bunch of Packers in the front row with their kids.

In Your Corner – WM Reading challenge video.

Backstage the Bellas with Toby Kieth. He has Cds for him. They gave him a belt. Santino comes in dressed as a cowboy, right down to the plastic sheriff star and says OMG, Toby Keith! When he came to America for him it was all hip-hop, now it’s all country. He prepared a song for Keith. Santino sang –
At first it was Maria,
Then Phoeniz, now Tamina.
For marriage I do not think I am ready,
I do have one love.
It’s long and thin
I am talking about spaghetti!
Spaghetti, yee haw!

They talked and laughed about the song. Toby talked about how it rhymed, then Sheamus came in. Sheamus told Santino that he’s an absolute disgrace, dressed up like a child in a cowboy outfit. Santino is an embarrassment to himself and last night he embarrassed Sheamus’ team. But he’s going to give Santino a chance to show the WWE Universe that he has a spine, that he’s not worthless. Sheamus challenege Santino to a match tonight. Toby told Santino that Sheamus was calling him out. Santino said Sheamus is on, it’s a showdown. Sheamus grabbed the front of Santino’s vest and told Santino he’d better show up. Santino said he’d be there.

Sheamus left and Santino asked Toby if he thought Sheamus was for really? Toby said yes. Santino said son of a gun and walked off. Tody told him to hang in there, bro.

Backstage Wade was smirking. Cena ran in and told Wade it was bush league what he pulled out there. Wade said Cena must think he’s clever after that stunt he pulled last night; trying to find loopholes in his obligations to Wade and Nexus. Wade’s still in charge here. The only reason Cena’s still employed is because Wade’s letting it. If he tells Cena to make a cup of coffee, Cena makes it. If he tells Cena to sit there and be silent, he’s to sit there and be silent. But if Wade tells him to lie down and give up the WWE Championship, then he’s to lay down at the snap of Wade’s fingers.

Cena scrabbles saying that he’s been trying to hold on to the thing he loves most here. He’s been trying for weeks but he can’t do this any more. He’s Wade’s errand boy. He gets Wade water, carries his bags, does his dirty work. Wade just made him hand over a WWE Championship. That’s not Cena. Fired, quit, it’s the same damn thing, but it beats working for Wade. Cena removed the Nexus band.

Wade told Cena to hold on, before he does something he’ll regret, Wade might have a solution. If Cena beats Orton tonight, Wade will give him an offer he can’t refuse. Cena tries to fight back. Wade says it will benefit both of them. Just beat Orton and remember Wade will be in Cena’s corner.

– Commercial

Slam Of The Week – Lay-Cool out as Natalya and Bret last week on SD!

Lay-Cool in the ring, admiring themselves in their gold, both in wrestling gear. On the other side of the ring Gail Kim and Melina mimic and mock Lay-Cool.

Diva Tag Team Match – Gail Kim & Melina Vs. Lay-Cool (Michelle McCool & Layla)

Layla caught Melina mocking her and ran at her as the bell rang. Melina ducked and went for a cheap shot on Michelle who also ducked. Layla ran back and was kicked in the face by Melina. Forearm to Michelle, then another to Layla. Kick to Layla’s head, then she slammed Layla down by her hair – badly – for two. Layla kicked back and got a cheap forearm on Kim. Melina and Layla both went for cross body at the same time and were down.

Layla got a tag, but Melina didn’t know. Melina rolled Layla up, but was kicked in the face by Michelle. Michelle pinned Melina for three.

Winners – Lay-Cool

Kim in to check on Melina as Lay-Cool got their belts and Cole praised them for being flawless. Video of the kick to Melina. Lay-Cool celebrated up the ramp as Kim glared.

Cole said this is going to be one of the most important elections in the history of our nation. King went on to say that tomorrow, in most states is the last day you can register to vote. (I’ve always lived and voted in Maine where you can go in, register and vote in ten minutes with proof of residency – so pre-registering is new to me!)

Backstage Miz and Riley head for the ring. Both look a bit upset.

– Commercial

Miz and Riley out to the ring. He’s really unhappy looking. Miz into the ring in ring gear, Riley joined him in street clothes.

Miz says he’s accomplished more in his career than everyone in this arena dreamed of achieving in their entire lives! But no matter how superior he is to anyone in this arena or anyone in that locker room, he is not a miracle worker. Last night at Bragging Rights, he endured adversity. He overcame hardship. He lasted longer than a superstar on RAW and yet they still failed against SD! If the WWE superstars had a fraction of the talent that he possess on a daily basis, Bragging Rights trophy would be right her on Monday Night RAW! Not as much heat from the fans as I would expect.

Miz say but talent doesn’t just speak volumes, it screams awesome. That’s why he’s a leader. That’s why he’s the captain. And that’s why tomorrow the poster child of THQ SD! Vs. RAW 2011 video game is none other than him, Miz. Show it! The front of the game was show – Cena in the middle, Big Show on the left, Miz on the right (dubbed in?). Miz said, eat your heart out Tetris! If THQ really wants to make some money, shatter records, it should look like this – Miz in the middle with his case, Miz on the left in his t-shirt and then the other Miz the same. Miz say the RAW Team should have been seven Mizes, not one Miz and six losers. Then Bragging Rights would have been won by RAW.

Miz says if these people understand anything, understand this. He blames his team, he blames SD! He blames Rey Mysterio. And if Rey wants to come over to RAW, he’s putting out the challenge. Come right over to RAW. Next week maybe. The fact is, the reason people watch RAW is none other than him. Because he’s the Miz and he’s the only person on the RAW roster who can honestly say he’s awesome!

Eve comes out in a gray dress, black above the knee boots. Miz holds the ropes for her. He says he knows why Eve is here. She’s there to apologize on behalf of all the Divas, but she doesn’t have to because it wasn’t their fault at Bragging Rights. What she should be apologizing for is her horrific taste in men and hair extensions that don’t quite match (even though she’s one of the few who actually has decent extensions). That, sugar dumping, is the truth.

She says she’s not out there to apologize for anything. The last thing Miz should be worried about is her hair, or her taste in men. Okay, what she needs to be worried about is that everyone in that locker room, everyone in this arena. Everyone in the WWE Universe knows the Miz is nothing but a fifteen minute, flash in the pan, brainless, laughable, thick headed, dim witted, uninspired, frog faced loser!

Miz asked really? Everyone thinks he’s a frog faced loser? The fans love this! Really? The fans agree. Really? Yeah! Really? Yeah! Well the Green Bay Packers aren’t going to the Superbowl. So they’re all losers as well. As for Eve, he finds it amusing that the RAW Superstars sent out a Diva to convey that message. That is very sweet, but if she wants to call him any names, she can just say that he’s awe- Eve cut him off and says she knows what he’s going to say and he’s quite possibly the furthest thing from awesome that the WWE has ever seen! The fans love this! And, Miz is ugly.

Riley then had to get into the act and told Eve to shut the front door already! Look at her coming out there with her nails done, hair done, everything done, she thinks she’s fancy, huh? Look sweetheart, he doesn’t speak Gucci, but he’ll try. The reason the RAW locker room isn’t out there is because they’re all tip-toeing their way to unemployment. Miz could have beat any one of those slackers, all by himself. So, why doesn’t she take that little switch in her walk back to the dressing room and see if anybody on that team wants to take a piece out of the captain!

Miz motioned her off with one hand, but then R-Truth’s music hit. Cole was disgusted and yelled for R-Truth to go away! Cole said R-Truth is one of those losers from last night. R-Truth sings his way out to the ring. R-Truth into the ring singing, Eve dances with him. R-Truth called for a cheap pop, what’s up? R-Truth asked, slackers? A bit harsh. Anybody want a piece of Miz? Well, he’d like a piece of Mr. Kermit! Don’t get mad because Eve said is the truth and they all know, the truth hurts. He has no problem showing Miz that the truth hurts.

Ding-Ding! King was pissed because this was just getting good. And I quote, “Ding, ding, ding!”

R-Truth w/ Eve Vs. Miz w/ Riley

Cole says he loves the GM. R-Truth gets the fans yelling ‘what’s up?’ to him. R-Truth ducks Miz’ punch, throws a bunch of his own, then a hip toss and Miz is clotheslined from the ring. Cole yells at Miz to get back in there!

– Commercial

Chinlock on R-Truth in the center of the ring. During the break R-Truth ate a big boot. R-Truth up and slammed Miz off. School boy on Miz for two. Miz nailed a clothesline on R-Truth, then punches on R-Truth in the mat. Miz pinned for two as Riley and Cole shot the shit. Knee to the back of R-Truth, arms wrenched back. R-Truth worked his way up and to his feet. R-Truth elbowed out. Knee to R-Truth. Miz tried to slam R-Truth, R-Truth reversed it and pinned for two.

Punches on R-Truth in a corner. The ref pulled him off. Miz ran at R-Truth in the corner with a clothesline. R-Truth flopped to the mat. Miz pinned for two. Miz pulled R-Truth up and set him up top. Punches to R-Truth up top. Miz climbed up and pulled R-Truth, but R-Truth fought back. Forearms to the face and Miz went back down onto the mat. Miz rushed in and got a boot. Miz rushed in and ate the corner as R-Truth went over the top. Punches to Miz. Miz fought back with a kick to the gut. R-Truth hit a couple of clotheslines, then a back kick. R-Truth slammed Miz face first to the mat for two as Cole got really nasty.

Riley talked up Miz. R-Truth rushed over, but ate and elbow. R-Truth hit an interesting stunner/slam for two. Miz crawled to the apron, the ref backed R-Truth off. R-Truth slammed into Miz who flew off and hit announce. R-Truth out, the ref watched Riley. R-Truth rolled Miz back in, as the ref checked on Miz, Riley slammed R-Truth into the apron. Eve stomped right over, spun Riley around and bitch slapped the taste from his mouth! That boy hit the floor! She ripped him a new one as she backed off. He yelled at her.

Miz tried to bring R-Truth in, but he landed on his feet. R-Truth ran the ropes, then double kicked Riley outside through the ropes as he advanced on Eve! R-Truth rolled Miz up for two. R-Truth missed the scissor kick. Miz hit his SCF on R-Truth for three.

Winner – Miz w/ Riley

Miz celebrated in the ring, blew a kiss at Eve as she checked on R-Truth from the outside. Video of Riley attacking R-Truth, then Eve taking Riley down. R-Truth took Riley down when he went after Eve, but that was the end for him. Eve helped R-Truth from the ring and talked him up outside as Riley and Miz celebrated on the ramp.

– Commercial

Justin announces Toby Keith, talking him up in a big way. Toby out to the ring, Bella on each arm. He says he’s been down this arena a lot of years. He was down in Mexico, chillin’. He had a couple brewskis. He calls for cheap pop after cheap pop.

He said last time he was up in Green Bay he was singing the National Championship while the Packers were winning the NFC game, going to the Superbowl! He said hey, can’t get any better than that. If wrestling’s going on in Green Bay, he needs to be there. Let’s show them how to do it Green Bay style. He’s bringing this next match out here, it’s special to him. This is his new buddy he’s bring out here. But it’s a one fall match in this next match, first opponent is from Dublin, Ireland, bring out Sheamus.

Sheamus out to the ring, glaring at Toby. Toby then called out his partner, Santino Marella. Santino peeked around from the back, then came out, obviously very nervous. On his way down he took off his shirt and threw it to the fans. He stopped on the ramp, thought things through, didn’t want to go. Toby out and talked Santino up. Santino started, then headed back. Toby talked him up again. Toby fired Santino up and he flew into the ring.

Sheamus Vs. Santino

Sheamus slammed Santino back into a corner. Santino ducked a clothesline and went for a hip toss that didn’t happen. Sheamus clotheslined Santino to the mat. Sheamus stomped, then dropped knees onto Santino. Over and over and over. Sheamus pulled Santino up, then knees in a corner. Sheamus flipped Santino down onto the mat. Sheamus was shaking with fury. Santino up, as Sheamus rushed him, Santino fell on his bum. Knee drop, then Santino choked in the ropes.

Morrison out to the ring. Morrison told the ref to stop the match. Santino yelled that he’s okay. Morrison said he’s not okay, Santino yelled that he is, Morrison yelled he’s not. Santino stood up, put up his fists and fell on his bum. Sheamus pulled Santino up as Morrison yelled from outside, asking Sheamus what he wanted to prove. Sheamus said watch, hell show Morrison.

Sheamus backed up and Santino flopped to the mat. Sheamus gut hung up top in the corner and fell back. Santino rolled Sheamus up for three.

Winner – Santino

Morrison got Santino out of there. Sheamus is irate, Santino dancing on the stage after realizing he actually won. Cole was indignant about Morrison being out there distracting Sheamus so Santino could win.

– Commercial

Video of Stand Up for WWE propaganda. The wrestlers talk about where they came from, how they looked up to wrestlers. They’re all where they always wanted to be, in the WWE. Bellas, Del Rio, Miz, Riley, Big Show, Michelle McCool, Eve, Cena. Big Show said he’d probably do it for free, but he gets paid for having fun and being a positive influence.

Cole then talks about being a kid watching. King says the past 17 years have been the best of his life in the WWE.

Backstage Nexus, Slater, Gabriel and Wade are all laughing about having gold, copper. Otunga in to talk to Wade, alone! Otunga demands to know why he had to lay down in front of everybody, humiliated. Wade says he’s sorry Otunga feels that way. Otunga says Wade couldn’t’ get the job done last night, so he wants to embarrass Otunga. He doesn’t think it’s a road Wade wants to go down. If he feels resentful he might tell the world why they really attacked Taker last night. Wade glared. Wade says it’s an interesting point. He called in Husky and McGillicutty. Last week he inducted them into Nexus. That makes Nexus stronger than ever and they’re now at liberty to end anybody’s career that they so choose. He understands Otunga’s frustrations, but he knows the deal. You’re either Nexus, or you’re against us. Otunga needs to make that choice, right now. Otunga looks around and says he’s Nexus. Wade says he’s glad and to keep up the excellent work. Otunga backs away and out, not taking an eye off any of the three.

Split screen – Cena and Orton heading for the ring.

– Commercial

Cena out, Wade right behind him, though not sure Cena knew that. Wade into the ring, Cena ignored him. Orton out face him. Wade up on the apron called Cena over, told him something. Cena left Wade, removed his shirt and threw it to the fans.

Cena Vs. Orton

After a long bit, they finally lock up. Side headlock on Orton. Orton free and nails Cena with a shoulder block! Cena locks his arms around Orton’s body, then gets a side headlock on Orton. Shoulder block from Cena! They circle and lock up. Orton backed into a corner. As the ref calls for the break Cena whips Orton into the opposite corner. Cena went for his bulldog, but Orton pushed him off. Wade glared in at Cena, then slapped the apron. Orton stomped Cena, then kicked him in the ribs, dropped another knee. Orton looks at Wade, then punches and kicks Cena. Cena punches back and goes for his shoulder block, but Orton drops to the mat! Cena flies over Orton, hit’s the mat and slides out. Orton outside to go after Cena, but Wade comes up behind Orton. Orton turns, punches Wade, then back into the ring.

– Commercial

Chinlock on Cena in the center of the ring. Cena muscles out and gets Orton up for an AA. Orton reverses out and nails Cena with a DDT. Wade is very unhappy. Orton pins for two. Cena sells being so downtrodden. Orton lines Cena up and punches him in the head; down to the mat. And again. Orton stands over Cena un a corner and punches him again. Cena whipped but gets a foot up in Cena’s face. Orton swings wildly. Cena hits two shoulder blocks, then slams Cena down to the mat. Cena goes for the Five Knuckle Shuffle, telling Wade that he can’t see Cena before finishing the move on Orton.

Cena gets Orton up for the AA, Orton wiggles around crazily, then gets free. Orton goes for the RKO, Cena pushes out, nails a drop toe hold, goes for the STF. Orton rolls and kicks Cena away. Cena eats two quick clotheslines, then his insanely fast scoop slam Orton’s in the Zone. Cena on the apron. Orton pulls Cena through, but Cena all the way through and sends Orton out over the top. Wade walks over to Orton, reaches down. Cena from the ring, around the corner and slams into Wade pushing him away and to the floor. Cena told Wade no, it’s his fight. Orton behind Cena, turns him, punches at Cena a couple times. Orton tries to send Cena into the barrier, but Cena reverses and Orton slams into said barrier. Orton rolled into the ring, Cena climbs and flies, driving Orton face first to the mat. Cena pins, but only gets two.

Both down and slowly get to their feel through “Cena” chants. Orton up and Cena gets him up for the AA, but Orton grabs the ropes. Orton free and hangs Cena up top! Orton into the ring, right into a drop toe hold. Cena locks on the STF. Orton almost to the ropes, Wade pulls the rope further away. Cena lets go of Orton and out of the ring into Wade’s face. Wade goes off on Cena for not listening. Cena says it’s his fight to win, he wins his way!

Cena back into the ring and into a drop kick from Orton. Cena on the apron, Orton plants Cena with a DDT through the ropes. Cena pounds the mat, readies himself. Cena pushes Orton off from the RKO and gets Orton up for the AA! AA and Cena pins, but Orton manages to kick out! Cena smiles and nods at Orton. Cena grabs Orton, pulls him up, but Orton hits an RKO. Cena rolled from the ring, Orton fell back on the mat. Orton out and lifted Cena into the ring. Orton back in, Cena lolled under the ropes.

Orton backed up, lined Cena up for a punt – Wade pulled Cena from the ring and clotheslined Cena.

Winner – Cena via DQ

Orton out, attacked Wade. Wade sent into the ring, on Wade hard. Nexus – including Husky and McGillicutty out to the ring and start to take Orton apart! Cena in, flew at Nexus, took each down and away from Orton as fast as he could. Slater has his arms around Cena’s waist and throws him down as Wade’s on mic yelling for Cena to stop, stop right now! Cena backed into a corner as Wade yells for Nexus to leave the ring.

“Cena” chants as people ringside yell to Nexus how much they suck. Wade tells Cena, well done. He won the match and that means Wade gets to chose the Special Guest Ref for his match at Survivor Series. He chooses Cena. He knows Orton doesn’t like the sound of that. Cena will be a very impartial ref. so impartial that if he doesn’t win the WWE Championship at Survivor Series, he’ll fire Cena on the spot. Much heat for Wade. Wade says just to remove any doubts of Cena’s impartiality, after Wade wins, Cena will be relieved of any and all responsibilities he has to Nexus. Cena looks as though he’s about to cry, or puke. He looks back and forth between Wade and Orton.

Biggest pop

Biggest heat

Thanks for reading and make sure to check out my RAW Is Blogged on www.wrestlingnewsworld.com tomorrow afternoon.