John Cena Pulled From Live Event, Skip Sheffield Undergoes Another Surgery
– John Cena is no longer being advertised for Saturday’s WWE live event from Rochester, Minnesota. Cena had been scheduled to wrestle CM Punk in the main event, but has since been replaced by John Morrison. No word yet on why Cena was pulled, but it’s not the first live event he’s skipped this year. Cena appeared at Friday’s live event and is still scheduled for a show on Sunday.
– Diesel has been added to the WWE Alumni page, including pictures from the former WWE champion’s storied career. It’s interesting to see how his look has evolved from when he debuted in the mid-1990s to his return to WWE at Sunday’s Royal Rumble, over 15 years later. You can check those pictures out here.
– Former Nexus member Skip Sheffield underwent a second surgery several weeks ago, this time to repair a trapped nerve in his injured leg. The trapped nerve went unnoticed during his first surgery and was causing severe discomfort and complications with his physical rehabilitation process. Sheffield is now off crutches and continues to rehab the leg. No word yet on when he’ll be back in action.
* KURT ANGLE Talks About Returning to WWE When His TNA Contract Expires This Summer
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