Backstage Rumor on Elimination Chamber Finish; Recent WWE Attendance Figures

– Here are approximate attendance figures for recent WWE house shows:

  • Raw house show in Broomfield, CO – 2,000
  • Raw house show in Salt Lake City, UT – 4,700
  • Smackdown house show in Grand Forks, ND – 4,000
  • Smackdown house show in Winnipeg, MB – 6,000
  • Smackdown house show in Abbotsford, BC – 3,000

Take the following as an unconfirmed report

– A backstage rumor going around for the possible finish of this weekend’s Elimination Chamber main event is that Bray Wyatt will not only win the title from John Cena, but in doing so, he will end up getting assistance from former ally Luke Harper which will drive a wedge between Bray and Randy Orton.

– Given Orton is likely to turn face ahead of the WrestleMania 33 match with Bray over the WWE title, the original Wyatt Family could potentially reunite with Erick Rowan set to return soon.