VIDEO: Being The Elite – Everybody hates Matt
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Being The Elite is back this week with a super-sized edition.
Some highlights include:
Nick Jackson found an email from Chili’s restaurants offering The Elite an endorsement deal. They only had one hour to sign the deal, though. Nick and Kenny Omega wanted to the sign the deal and said they were looking for a ticket out of the wrestling business. Hangman Page said he could by a lawnmower or a cake with the money.
Matt Jackson said that the group had already taken on too much and wanted to talk them out of taking the deal. Matt bladed his forehead and ruined the contract with seconds left before the deadline.
Nick said Matt ruined their lives. Nick said he was going to break up with Matt and go on a singles run like the fans want. Nick and Kenny said that singing together was their passion and Matt took that away from them. Matt started to pass out from blood loss. This was all played for laughs.
Frankie Kazarian approached Broken Matt Hardy backstage as Matt talked to a chair of wheels. Kazarian was stuck in his 1980s southern wrestling character. Hardy said that he was speaking to a beautiful vision of Fractured Frankie but offered to introduce him to the Lake of Reincarnation to break him out of this.
Omega was in the training room. Colt Cabana approached and wanted to do his bit with Omega. Page intercepted him and told him to stay away from Omega because Omega was going to murder him. Page told Cabana to get his affairs in order and prepare for his funeral.
Hardy was working with Private Party in the ring. He told them to get back to basics and do a fundamental spot. Private Party botched the spot and Broken Matt appeared to explain the term “botch” with broken brilliance.
Omega and Brandon Cutler were hanging out in Matt’s dressing room. Omega said he got some of the good stuff straight from Japan. He said it was what all the New Japan boys were on. He produced a bottle of melatonin gummies.
Matt entered and Omega and Cutler tried to peer pressure him into taking melatonin. Matt turned them down because he’s Christian AF.
Alex Reynolds and John Silver found Kris Statlander. Statlander was on the floor stretching. Reynolds wanted to recruit her to Dark Order. Statlander used her crutch as a fake gun. Silver said she was too weird for Dark Order and smelled bad.
Reynolds offered Statlander Kool-Aid. Statlander fed it to her custom Chuck Taylor action figure with a fork. She said the figure told her that those guys were spooky perverts and she was not going to join them.
They showed Cutler Cam highlights from Dynamite.
Big Money Matt Hardy ran into MJF and Wardlow backstage. They talked trash to each other.
Alex Abrahantes introduced the Speaking Spanglish segment with Santana and Ortiz. Ortiz sent Dasha Gonzalez a text and told her that she was a “payne” in his ass. Dasha threw a shoe at him.
The Bucks showed footage of Peter Avalon and Brandon Cutler’s match from Dark.
Super Panda wanted to train Luchasaurus for his match with The Elite this week. Luchasaurus said that he was afraid he would stiff Kenny. Panda sang a Rocky song to fire Luchasaurus up. We got a Luchasaurus training montage.
Panda wanted Luchasaurus to practice a Canadian destroyer into a swimming pool. Luchasaurus was afraid to try the move. Panda fired him up. The camera cut away before we saw him hit the move.
Mr. Brodie Lee was on the phone. Reynolds and Silver interrupted and told him that they had recruited Jungle Boy. It turned out not to be Jungle Boy and Lee flipped out.