Movers & Shakers

Movers & Shakers

Jeroen van Seeters has been appointed chief executive officer of the consultancy Hill & Knowlton International Belgium and of the Benelux region,  from 3 May. Van Seeters is currently CEO of Hill & Knowlton Netherlands. 

Fabienne Ilzkovitz has been appointed director in the European Commission’s directorate-general for competition, dealing with markets and cases in the fields of health, transport, post and other services. The appointment takes effect on 1 June.

Natalia Alonso has been appointed head of the EU liaison office of Plan Europe, a children’s development organisation. She was previously deputy director of Amnesty International’s EU office.

Philippe Jacquelinet has been elected chairman of the Federation of European Direct Selling Associations. Jacquelinet is founder and chief executive of the Captain Tortue Group, a French direct-sales company.

Carel du Marchie Sarvaas has been appointed director for agricultural biotechnology at the European Association for Bioindustries (EuropaBio). Du Marchie Sarvaas was previously managing director of public affairs at Hill & Knowlton’s Brussels office.

Oliver Blank has been appointed secretary-general of the European Association of the Electricity Transmission and Distribution Equipment and Services Industry (T&D Europe). Blank is a former managing director of Digital Europe, an association representing the technology industry.

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